2013-2014 was a tough year for many Harvard students.

In one year,
1 student ended up in federal court for a bomb threat.
3 students died. 1 of them committed suicide.
2 of the 4 students mentioned above were asian males.

Issues of mental health still exist on campus.
But we don't admit it nearly enough - especially in minority communities.
With the help of many others, we created a photo campaign
to create discussion and awareness on these issues.

We targeted facebook so that we could send these reminders to our friends and family.
Each profile photo was paired with this description:
People suffer silently. Especially in the Asian American community,
issues of mental health are sidestepped and ignored.
Reaching out and asking for help is not a sign of weakness: it's a sign of strength.
We are not alone.
Over 35 people joined the poster campaign.
So far, the posters have accumulated over 3000 likes,
received coverage from the Crimson,
and spurred the formation of the undergraduate-led AAPI Mental Health Task Force.

Looks like we're not alone.

If you'd like to join the campaign, contact me:
dominickzheng at gmail.